Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Paper and 3D Printing Move Closer Together

If I learned anything from the paper crafting community is that creativity, love and making people feel special is what this community is all about.   I love what you do and I love what you do for those you care about.

As a teacher, it broke my heart to see children that didn't have parents like you, that take the time to let their children know how special they were.  Now that I am back into teaching "at-risk" kids 3D printing, I see how important it is to these kids to create something that they can give to their caregivers to make them proud of them.

When I first posted in this blog about 3D printing, the means to create a 3D object for printing were largely technical in nature, based on CAD style drawing.  But, 3D Systems has now released Sculpt, a virtual clay sculpting application that is much simpler to use than previous sculpting applications that I've tried.

The more I use Cubify Sculpt and 3D printing, the more I am convinced that the very passion and skills you now use to create your paper crafts are perfectly in line with those skills that can create designs that bring that same passion and love in a new format that enhances your current work.

Expect to see this blog come to life again with tutorials and articles expressly designed to demonstrate my belief that you have not only the skills to create 3D objects; but, that these objects can enhance you REAL goal... which is to express the feelings that you have for those around you!

I love the paper crafting community!!! :)

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