Friday, January 13, 2012

Interview of Cathy Lewis at CES on Purple Paper Paradise Blog

Denise has added a video of Cathy Lewis, of 3D Systems, being interviewed at the Cubify booth.  Ms. Lewis does a great job of quickly introducing the concept and the Cube printer in a very short time.  There are some nice shots of the Cube 3D printer making an object.

It's heartening to see that people for whom I have a great deal of respect in the paper crafting community also see the potential for other ways to enhance what they are really all about, which is making things that demonstrate a real appreciation for family and friends.

Thanks, Denise!!!

In the meantime, I have created a new blog in which is dedicated to and the Cube 3D printing community.  That may seem odd, since there IS no community as yet, as far as I can tell, since noone that I know about has a Cube printer and the Cubify site is just days old.

But, I expect that to change very, very quickly and I want to be there for that creative community just as I wanted to be there for early eCraft owners.  Here is the link for the new site.  I hope you will become followers if only to keep up with what's happening.

Cubify Fans Blog

I hope to see you there!  In fact, given the level of creativity I have come to admire among the readers of this blog, I would be very disappointed if I didn't see you there so that all of us can benefit by your observations and creative contributions.

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